Monday, April 20, 2009


Why is it that everytime I get in front of a screen and keyboard, my mind goes blank? I think of a thousand things I'd like to say, then sidle up to the blue glow...and nothin.' I need one of those mini recorders, the kind you see them use in awesome cop-dramas, or spy missions. Yeah! Picture it: I'm cruising the aisles at Wal-Mart, just checking out the clearance section for a pair of size 14 green jean shorts I just cannot pass up, and lo and behold! Inspiration strikes! I could record my thoughts as I think them, and remember to pick up eggs, milk, and butter! I can see it now...headline reads "Youngest woman ever to be institutionalized for dementia: Found wandering alone at 2 am, rambling on about buffet lines and Grande-sized MRI machines. She has yet to be claimed at the Lost and Found for Crazy People."

By the way, did you know that dogs can get breast cancer? I did not. This is tragic.

Other random thoughts I have had this week:
Why is it that my mother in law sees no purpose in ever cleaning out the catbox? Or buying a new nightgown? Perhaps these are all related to her inability to buy anything but the cheapest kind of toilet paper and her absolute abhorence of cleaning the bathroom in general.

Why do children shout when it is quiet in the house, and whisper their demands when they sit the very back seat of the van?

Why must every Sunday that I wear a dress be cold and rainy?

What is it about getting married that makes people stop being who they really are? Or is that the other way around?

That is all. I have forgotten the rest. I think I will invest in a good pen and new note pad, cause I'm just more the old-fashion (read:cheap!) kinda gal. But I have some interesting and awesome thoughts...if only I can remember them!


  1. This made me hoot quite loudly! Your "mother-in-law" doesn't buy a new night gown for the same reason she always sewed two washcloths together! And didn't throw out the ugly faded purple plastic cereal bowl. One of these days, we're all going to have to tie her to the couch, give her the remote control, and go raid her closets and cupboards. Then we can take her shopping to replace all the things we've thrown out--no wait--she'll go out and find them... we'll have to burn everything!!!

  2. See, the idea that she took the time to get out the sewing machine, thread it, and sew those washcloths together, but can't just get new ones (after like, 10 years) is mind-boggling! And I know she is probably the most MOST practical and logical and frugal person I have ever or will ever know, but still. That show, Life on Mars- she saw her dishes used on there. The Corell that she still uses every day- was used on that show as an "antique." I think that made her feel a little out dated, because then she went out and bought herself a new coffee mug. (:

  3. ROFL!! I am so agreeing w/you two! I was with her when she saw the Corell dishes on "Life on Mars." We both thought we saw them, so she paused the tv and we stared, squinted, and then looked at each other and said, "Hey! That's your /my dishes!" It was hilarious! She then made a remark to the effect of yeah they are old, but still in good working order.

    Oh! And the litterbox thing!! I think it only gets cleaned out when Cami goes to visit! And we all know that's not often. It drives Cam crazy! We clean ours out at least once a day, sometimes twice if necessary.

    Before you know it, Mom will be sewing two nightgowns together! :D
