Friday, March 6, 2009

I really don't understand...

Why can't any technology just function correctly for once? First, my laptop died, in the middle of a busy week with a paper due. Now, out of three digital cameras, we have lost one and the other two refuse to work. The oldest of the bunch was on it's way out, we knew that. But that is why we just bought the new one to replace it. Now the new one doesn't work! What gives??

I wanted to show you my daughter's first spelling test, but instead I will have to tell you. I think, first of all, that having impromptu spelling tests for half-day kindergarteners is a little much, and apparently so do most of the other mothers. Especially when the kids are graded, and then given their tests back with big ol' red x's all across them. Lilly came home almost in tears. Give me a flippin' break!! It would be ideal if she could spell all those words, and had this year been given a little more thought and consideration, I can guarantee you she would be able to spell all those words, as well as read them! But she can't. Neither can any of the other kids in Miss Helton's class. That is partially my fault (for letting her go) and partially Miss Helton's fault (for being a teacher who doesn't know how to teach). I am a little bit flustered by this situation, as you might have detected.

So, she comes home with this spelling test last week. We look it over, and she tries again, and guess what! She spelled every word correctly, at home. Twice. When she had a little time to think about it. She is entirely capable, and actually is doing quite well at the basics--at home. But when Miss Helton evaluates her...not so much. She always scores very poorly. The only thing her teacher will tell me is that she does "satisfactory" work. Pshaw! Whether it is a combination of teaching style, Lilly's nerves, or who knows what else, the learning just isn't happening. This is a child who has memorized nearly 100 verses for AWANAS-- and she is only there 1 night a week! One night a week, for two hours, and she can learn a boatload more than Miss Helton has even tried to teach her!! She can recite off the top of her head all the books of the New Testament (granted, she sings the end of the song a little differently than it goes..."1,2,3 John, Rude and Violations!" I giggle every time) and can easily sing each of the AWANAS songs, or tell you any of those 100 verses from memory. Folks, she can remember how to say "Thessalonians" but gets a bad grade on a spelling test for "we"? She has a brain! She can use it! But whatever Miss Helton is doin', it ain't workin'.

So today, Daddy went to pick her up. She came in, brought me her homework folder (yes, homework. They have also had to do presentations and dioramas and posters...ridiculous!) She pulls out today's spelling test and hands it to me with a downward cast face. She was afraid to show me that she missed two words!! My heart ached.

Today they had to spell, impromptu, from verbal commands only, these 7 words : me, my, to, be, the, said, and we. Except Lilly had written "Wii." And her teacher marked it wrong! I know it technically is wrong, but she did spell "Wii" right! I showed Jon, and we could not stop laughing. Finally, Jon hitched up his pants and said "Well, that there is how we teach 'em around here!" My mom called, and as we were chatting, I told her about the spelling test, and she thinks Lil should get credit- hey, she did spell it right after all!

That is my daughter, child of a video gaming generation; bright, witty, and maybe a little bit out of the box. I'll take her.


  1. ROFL!!!! Let her stay outta that box! Those kind of people wind up making tons of money in life! ...;-)

  2. Wiiiiiii!!!!!! Kids are so great! I LOVE to watch their little brains work.
    By the way, kids should be about in fourth grade before they are given a "spelling test". Argh! Why should they have a spelling test? They should learn to read first, then write, then spell. Kids are not told to recite anatomy before they can walk well...why should they spell before they can read or write well? A well-read person will eventually spell well.
    And to make Lilly feel bad? Argh! That makes me mad!
    And, btw, maybe Lilly is on to something... "John, rude, violations"???? Did Jon get a ticket recently? hee hee hee
